Dental Implant FAQs

Dental Implant FAQs

Dental ImplantsYour questions about dental implants are answered here.

You've probably heard about dental implants but may have some questions about how they work. Dr. Ryan Donovan, a periodontal specialist in Fort Myers, Florida, has extensive training in placing dental implants. He has compiled a list of answers for a few of the questions he hears most often about dental implants. 

What are dental implants?

Implants are made up of three parts; the titanium post and abutment, and the porcelain crown. When put together, the parts simulate a real tooth. The post acts as the root, the abutment holds the crown in place, which looks and functions just like a natural tooth. This structure keeps your jaw bone and the rest of your teeth stable and working properly.

Does getting a dental implant hurt?

Dental implant placement is considered a surgical procedure at your Fort Myers dentist's office. However, Dr. Ryan Donovan's patients usually describe the process of placing the implant as being similar to having a cavity filled - it usually takes the same amount of time and anesthesia for both. Because the post will be embedded below the gums, there is no extensive wound care afterwards, as there would be with a tooth extraction. Dr. Donovan and his staff in Fort Myers will do everything to make sure you are comfortable while getting a dental implant.

Are dental implants removable?

In a word: no. Unlike conventional partial and full dentures, dental implants are fixed in place. This makes them a much more stable and convenient option because their care is no different than that of regular teeth. Dental implants can be brushed, flossed and cleaned twice a year by your Fort Myers dentist. They can be taken out by a dental professional if maintenance is needed.

Could your smile benefit from dental implants? Contact Dr. Donovan's team in Fort Myers to learn more about how these unique restorations can improve your life!